Friday, April 15, 2016

What the Heck is Technical Analysis? A Trader’s Guide

Aaaaand they re off! ..or are they?  Although the horse race begins with a loud announcement and a bell, we unfortunately do not have the same clear signals much of the time in forex.  It is a game of incomplete information and risk.  If we were able to know all the answers, there would be no money to be made as no one would ever take the bad side of an obvious trade, or it would involve illegally conning someone into giving you their money. If that doesn t make sense, just think about why we don t bet on games that have already happened, and what the persons involved would be doing if it DID happen.   Trading in the real market creates a situation where the outcome is unknown, therefore allowing different viewpoints to take a chance on their information and analysis and completing the necessary condition of a buyer and a seller to make the transaction exist in the first place.  The difference, in the long run, for the most part comes down to which side of that equation has done

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