Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Day Trading Strategy – Minimize Sentimentality
It is well known that there is a lot of psychology involved in the life of day trader. However, sentimentality is one emotion that has no place in a day trading strategy. Throughout the course of a day trader’s week, he or she... + More
Diversification – the Key to Opportunity and Trading Success
Of the six tools needed for successful day trading, Diversification is the most important. Diversification in Traditional Investing Diversification in the world of investing is synonymous with “safe”, “secure” and “smart”; yet in spite of the advantages diversification brings to... + More
Friday, December 9, 2016
11 Things You Might Not Know About Trading Futures
Okay, so you’ve heard of the Futures markets, but if you’re like most Stock Traders, you think that the Futures markets are like some dangerous financial animal best avoided. You’ve heard the stories. You know; the one about the guy... + More
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Day Trading Psychology Tips from Richard Friesen
Sometimes I find trading psychology material a bore because more often than not, it s the same old stuff repeated. Certainly, successful management of your emotions, biases and triggers are of paramount importance to the trader. But, what has always been missing... + More
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Monday, December 5, 2016
Here’s Some Trading Tips While Working Full Time
We all start trading with hopes and aspirations of leaving our day job; let’s face it, the 9 to 5 grind, the commute, and the fact we answer to someone else seems to push us toward a more rewarding endeavor... + More
Improve Your Day Trading Results by Overcoming Stubbornness
Pig-Headedness has No Place in Day Trading When it comes to improving you day trading results, learning to recognize and overcome your stubbornness can make you a better trader. The single biggest part of ever becoming successful at day trading... + More
Sunday, December 4, 2016
Friday, December 2, 2016
Trading Vendors: How Does Real Day Trading Work
CFTC Warning Day Trading Vendors who Publish Results Beware! It happened to me. It s happened to every trader I ve ever known. My guess is it s happened to you. I m talking about being suckered into buying a day trading... + More
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
The Importance of Backtesting Your Day Trading System
Backtesting is the Path to Proof for Any Trading System Every individual that would like to make money day trading can find great assistance in using a day trading system to generate profits for their portfolio. Savvy traders who have... + More
Monday, November 28, 2016
Be a Losing Trader and Still Win at Making Money
As a day trader, there is no way to be right all the time and losses are inevitable. But, with proper trade management, one trader s loss could be another trader s win. So, how right do you have to be? Traders with a... + More
Friday, November 25, 2016
Staying Steady in Narrow Range Day Markets
Dealing with a Narrow Range Day Don t think that simply because a market is ranging, that you can t make money. Depending upon how you go about day trading, a narrow range day may offer excellent opportunities to trade. Part of being... + More
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
8 Tools to Make You a Successful Day Trader
Techniques and Methods of a Successful Day Trader Most successful day traders share common personality traits and behaviours to achieve their personal and professional goals. While many a successful day trader performs their trading activity from the comfort of their home,... + More
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Stock Trading vs. Futures Trading
Starting out with Stock Trading Unlike day trading the futures markets, stock trading offers a wider variety of investment opportunities including access to shares in companies like Coca-Cola, Wal-Mart, and others. Many publicly held companies use a stock exchange such... + More
What is the Best Futures Market to Trade?
Selecting the Best Markets When Day Trading Futures The best futures market for you as a beginning day trader is the one that meets the simple criteria of a low maintenance margin, and a small tick value. Additionally, it should... + More
The Fundamentals of Becoming a Day Trader
Unlike day trading the futures markets, traditionally the stock market trades a variety of shares owned by individual companies like Coca-Cola, Wal-Mart and others that are all available for buying and selling. Many publicly held companies use a stock exchange... + More
Monday, November 21, 2016
Friday, November 18, 2016
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Commodity Trading using Seasonal Trend Analysis
To everything, there is a season, and a time to every purpose, even in commodity trading. Sometimes futures day traders who primarily work with the e-mini indices forget there is a much broader choice of commodity trading products in the marketplace.... + More
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
How to Keep Your Sanity as a Self-Employed Trader
Being Your Own Boss The responsibilities you have as a self-employed trader are going to be much different from the duties you did in your old regular day job. In the latter case, your responsibilities were to stay away from Internet Surfing,... + More
How to Keep Your Sanity as a Self Employed Trader
Being Your Own Boss as a Self Employed Trader The responsibilities you have as a self-employed person are going to be much different from the duties you did in your old regular day job. In the latter case, your responsibilities were to... + More
Monday, November 14, 2016
Manage Your Trading Risk
Day Trading Futures: Manage Your Trading Risk! It is important to develop unique skills to manage trading risk when day trading futures. This situation often requires effective techniques that many traders typically do not have. Most traditional investors tend to buy... + More
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Letting Day Trading Indicators do their Magic
Like a resolute magician, day trading indicators can help a futures trader or stock investor interpret specific patterns in the market and uncover reasonable future expectations of the market price. Using time-sensitive technical indicators along with understanding price and volume, savvy... + More
Friday, November 11, 2016
Trading Systems and Having the Proper Mindset
Are You and Your Trading Systems Ready for Success? If you plan on working with a day trading system, determining whether or not you re ready to make the leap involves some serious introspection. When you learn day trading, it s easy to... + More
Trading Systems for Developing a Proper Mindset for Success
Are You and Your Trading Systems Ready for Success? If you plan on working with day trading systems, determining whether or not you re ready to make the leap involves some serious introspection. When you learn day trading, it s easy to get... + More
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Day Trading Profits… Explained
Trading Profits The Difference between Realized and Unrealized When discussing profits, there are two different types of profits from making trades. The easiest way to differentiate the two kinds of profits comes down to a simple question are you making money... + More
Professional Futures Trader Loves DTS Trading System
The Diversified Trading System day trading software (DTS) continues to shock and amaze every futures trader who uses it. And I m not just talking about newbie traders I m talking about seasoned forex, stock, and futures traders. After 17 years... + More
Basic Fundamentals of Day Trading using Futures Contracts
Day trading futures isn t as complicated as it sounds. The futures market is actually a conglomerate of various markets that buyers and sellers use as a way to enter and exit into futures contracts. Typically, pricing is based on an... + More
Forecast Movement when Price Action is Stable
Forecast Trading Conditions in Stable Price Action Although traders use effective day trading software programs to assist them in trading futures contracts, there is always the potential for significant risk. However, historical trends in trading commodities have shown it to be... + More
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Friday, November 4, 2016
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Options Trading – A Valuable Short-Term Trading Tool
Options Trading as a Day Trading Tool Many individuals interested in the stock market consider options and warrants as a long-term investment (position in swing trading). However, both warrants and options can easily be used as a short term day... + More
Short-Term Option Trading | A Valuable Trading Tool
Option Trading as a Day Trading Tool Many individuals interested in the stock market consider options and warrants as a long-term investment (position in swing trading). However, both warrants and options can easily be used as a short term day... + More
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Friday, October 28, 2016
Learn Trading or Have Someone Do It for You
D.I.Y (Do It Yourself) vs. M.O.D.I.F.Y (Make Others Do It For You) One of the blessings or curses, depending on your point of view, of our modern world is that we have plenty of choices for just about anything ... + More
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Generate Day Trading Profits with a Small Account
Day Trading Profits are Not Just For Large Account Traders While it is certainly true that it takes money to make money, not everyone has a well-funded trading account for their trading portfolio. Typically, beginning traders start off with a... + More
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Generate Day Trading Profits with a Small Account
Day Trading Profits are Not Just For Large Account Traders While it is certainly true that it takes money to make money, not everyone has a well-funded trading account for their investment portfolio. Typically, beginning traders usually start off with... + More
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Monday, October 24, 2016
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Stock Trading Software, Tech Companies, Buzz and Stocks
Love Day Trading Software? You might love Tech Stocks too. If you re interested in day trading software, there s a good chance you re interested in technology in general. In fact, for many investors, businesses in the technology sector are among the... + More
Friday, October 21, 2016
Keeping a Day Trading Journal
Learning from Each Trade You Make Day Trading Futures As an amateur or professional trader engaged in day trading futures markets, you should always keep a trading journal filled with entries on every trade you make, along with the market... + More
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Troubleshooting your Computer for Fast Trading
Day Trading Software Troubleshooting is Sometimes Necessary Aside from free software sharing trading forums or low-end budget software sites, for the most part, online day trading software from a reputable trading company is very well designed. It has to... + More
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Four Important But Overlooked Day Trading Tools
If you plan to get into day trading, you re going to need a few things that don t directly have to do with actually buying and selling stocks, futures, or currencies. Some of the most important day trading tools you will... + More
Monday, October 17, 2016
Four Important But Overlooked Day Trading Tools
If you plan to get into day trading, you re going to need a few things that don t directly have to do with actually buying and selling stocks or futures. Some of the most important day trading tools you will... + More
Upgrading Your Day Trading Computer and Software
Best Practices for Improving Your Day Trading Computer If you re trying to learn day trading, you ll find plenty of information telling you that you need a good day trading computer to run the best day trading software. For many users, there s... + More
Upgrading Your Day Trading Computer
How to Upgrade Your Trading Computer If you re trying to learn day trading, you ll find plenty of information telling you that you need a good computer to run the best day trading software. For many users, there s no problem with... + More
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Is There a Trading Holy Grail?
Trading Knowledge incorporates time. It's a mixture of Data + Tools + Experience. As your ability and experience increases, your toolchest will change. This is the same as any craftsman. You begin with the trading equivalent of a screwdriver, hammer and nails ; read trade books ; and perhaps even neophyte under a Skilled Trader or 2 or 3. Ultimately , your talents improve and so does your requirement for more classy trading tools.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Is Day Trading Futures a good Choice For You?
Day trading futures is not for the weak of heart. The futures markets tend to see lots of movement during any given day and, even more than that; a futures trading strategy can be very complex compared to the strategy... + More
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Finding Good Sources of Information for Futures Trading
Finding Good Stocks and Futures Trading Information Aside from the charts you get off of your online trading software, some of the best indicators for stocks and futures trading will come from the media, both big media and independent media.... + More
Is Simplicity Good in Day Trading Software?
Day Trading Software Simple can be Better Some day trading software is enormously complex. It s a common misconception among end-users that a greater degree of complexity in a piece of software translates directly to that software being more powerful.... + More
Friday, October 7, 2016
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Learn How to Keep Your Trading Flame Alive
When you go to work every day and do a job that seems boring and routine, how do you keep going? When the trading business that you have started does not seem to be going anywhere, how do you... + More
Handling Day Trading Stress
The speed and convenience of day trading have made it attractive to many people who may not otherwise have been involved in the stock or commodities markets at all. If you are like many of the individuals who get involved... + More
Monday, October 3, 2016
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Sometimes Less is More – The Overtrading Trap
Most traders think they need to trade a lot to make a lot of money. I once counseled a fellow who wanted to be a “scalper.” He thought he had to trade 100 times a day. Imagine his disappointment when I... + More
Sometimes Less is More – The Overtrading Trap
Most traders think they need to trade a lot to make a lot of money. I once counselled a fellow who wanted to be a “scalper”. He thought he had to trade 100 times a day. Imagine his disappointment when I... + More
Friday, September 30, 2016
Thursday, September 29, 2016
NinjaTrader Day Trading Systems
Trading commodities online using a custom NinjaTrader day trading system is quicker and more profitable than traditional methods When the Internet became a mainstream service and online trading followed suite, day trading systems became easily accessible, and traditional commodity brokers quickly became outdated. The old... + More
NinjaTrader Day Trading Systems
Trading commodities online using a custom NinjaTrader day trading system is quicker and more profitable than traditional methods When the Internet became a mainstream service and online trading followed suite, day trading systems became easily accessible, and traditional commodity brokers quickly became outdated. The old... + More
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Trade Service vs. Trading System
Day Trading Profitably without Learning a Day Trading System? There are two opposing ways to become an effective day trader that has the potential to generate more profits than losses. The first one involves extensive trading instruction, training and that... + More
Monday, September 26, 2016
How to Succeed at Trading the Emini S&P500… Sort of
E-minis are electronically traded futures contracts that represent a percentage of a similar standard futures contract. The e-minis make ideal beginner trading instruments for a variety of reasons, including round-the-clock trading, low margin rates, volatility, and liquidity. An e-mini ... + More
Sunday, September 25, 2016
How to Succeed Trading the Emini S&P500… Sort of
It’s no secret that the emini S&P 500 (ES) and I have had a very difficult past together. It’s also public knowledge that I don’t trade the ES any more. There are many traders out there who still do trade... + More
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Use Multiple Day Trading Strategies at the Same Time
Day Trading Strategies can make trading Hurricane Commodities profitable! Most traders that use day trading strategies to buy and sell commodities are unaware that they can analyze weather patterns to determine if they should enter or exit a futures contract.... + More
Friday, September 23, 2016
Learn How to Vanquish Trading Mistakes
All too often, we as traders assume that all we need to be successful in this business is an account, winning strategy, internet connection and a computer. Sooner or later we all come to the realization that sometimes having a... + More
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Learn Seven Techniques to Rescue a Bad Trade
When faced with a bad trade that isn t working, there is the potential for a severe blow to your psyche. However, with a little effort and the right trading software you can regularly turn things round. Here are 7 pointers to... + More
Learn 7 Techniques to Rescue a Bad Trade
When a trade isn t working there is the potential for a serious blow to your psyche. However, with a little effort and the right trading software you can regularly turn things round. Here are 7 pointers to help you rescue... + More
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Monday, September 19, 2016
The Foundations for Day Trading Software and Education
Day Trading Software is Just One Piece of the Puzzle Finding the best method to learn to trade successfully each day regularly specialized tools and education. Unlike college, where you to were required to demonstrate what you learned via testing... + More
Using Day Trading Software
Finding ways to learn day trading to become successful every day often requires a proven day trading program. Unlike school, where you to were tested to determine what you learned, evaluating your day trading abilities are typically measured through the... + More
Friday, September 16, 2016
Timeless Truths about Free Trading Forums
Public trading forums are nothing new. People have been publicly trading ideas for thousands of years. Twenty-four hundred years ago, Plato, one of history’s most famous thinkers, said life is like being chained up in a cave forced to watch shadows on a... + More
Monday, September 12, 2016
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Learn How to Make a Living at Online Day Trading
Non-Professionals Can Learn Online Day Trading Some people discover online day trading and know immediately that this is how they want to make their living. Other people look at the various day trading tools available, find them interesting and see... + More
Friday, September 9, 2016
Monday, September 5, 2016
Trading Volume – The Seeds for Every Day Trading Season
As I sit here and enjoy the last few hours of a Labor Day three day weekend, I am aware of the change in the air. Tonight there is a soft breeze, and it feels like the quiet end of... + More
Friday, September 2, 2016
The Blame Game in Trading
I find it interesting that when the market action goes against us, we need to find someone or something to blame. However, I rarely hear from traders when the market action is going their way with those same ‘blame game’... + More
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
3 Things to Do Right Now to Become a More Profitable Trader
3 Things to Do Right Now to Become a More Profitable Trader
3 Things You Should Do Right Now to Improve Your Trading
Recently, Erich and I did a presentation for trader kingdom in which we discussed why 90% of traders are doing things that are preventing them from becoming a profitable Trader. The good news is that during the live event to... + More
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Monday, August 29, 2016
Sunday, August 28, 2016
The Core Values of a Trading Company
Our overriding commitment is to help traders do their best in retail and professional environments. Respect for capital preservation, confidentiality, and consistent profitability underpins our culture, brand, and behaviors. So for us here at the Indicator Warehouse, customers come first. Independence... + More
The Blame Game in Trading
I find it interesting that when the market goes against us we need to find someone or something to blame. In reverse though, I rarely hear from other traders when the market is going their way with those same ‘blame... + More
How to Use Three Trading Signal Generators, at the Same Time
I want to discuss some of the nuances and things to look for when using three diversified trading signal generators in conjunction with each other. Each System can tell a part of the story, and all three can be used in... + More
The Core Values of a Trading Company
Our overriding commitment is to help traders do their best in retail and professional environments. A respect for capital preservation, confidentiality, and consistent profitability underpins our culture, brand, and behaviors. So for us here at the Indicator Warehouse, customers come first.... + More
Can you Predict the Market as a Responsive Trader?
What’s the difference between a Weatherman and a Trader? I asked this question in a private user group a little while ago and stumped quite a few people. Do you know the difference? On the surface, they seem the same, but... + More
Can you Predict the Market?
What’s the difference between a Weatherman and a Trader? I asked this question in a private user group a little while ago and stumped quite a few people. Do you know the difference? On the surface they seem the same, but... + More
Back to (Trading) School Tips
Trading School is Back in Session. It’s that time of year again. The summer doldrums are ending, and everyone is going back to school. Now is a great time to do some personal housecleaning and mindful accounting. Are you ready to own... + More
Common Trading Security Issues in Your Home Trading Office
How to Handle Common Trading Security Issues for Online Trading Software If you work out of a home office, trading security is going to be a more important issue for you than it is for most computer users. You may be... + More
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Trend Trading with the 80/20 Rule
Trend Trading and the Pareto Principle The Pareto Principle, commonly known as the 80/20 Rule, is often used in economics, statistics and by humorists to describe real life events and observations. Basically, the principle says that 80% of an outcome can... + More
How to Use the 80/20 Rule in Trading
The Pareto Principle, commonly known as the 80/20 Rule, is often used in economics, statistics and by humorists to describe real life events and observations. Basically the principle says that 80% of an outcome can be achieved by 20% of... + More
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Monday, May 9, 2016
Should you Trade with Fundamental Analysis or Technical Analysis
Technical or Fundamental Analysis That is the Question! For any newbie or skilled day trader, making the decision when to get in or out of a trade is based on technical analysis or fundamental analysis. Both types typically involve... + More
Choosing to Trade with Fundamental Analysis or Technical Analysis
Fundamental Analysis or Technical Analysis that is the Question! For any newbie or skilled day trader, making the decision when to get in or out of a trade is based on technical analysis or fundamental analysis. Both types typically... + More
Saturday, May 7, 2016
The Truth about Day Trading Software
What is you your best indicator? Do you guarantee your day trading software will work? I get these questions all the time. When I hear them, alarms go off in my head because it usually means the person asking has inflated expectations of... + More
The Truth about Trading Software
What is you best indicator? Do you guarantee your trading system will work? I get these questions all the time. When I hear them, alarms go off in my head because it usually means the person asking has inflated expectation of what ANY... + More
Friday, May 6, 2016
How Can Diversification Improve Day Your Trading?
Think of taking a winning investment portfolio strategy and using it as a day trader. Trading just One Market using only one or two contracts is a slow road to failure. The trick is to be able to scan hundreds of markets in futures,... + More
Thursday, May 5, 2016
What does a Happy Market look like?
Do you know what a Happy Market looks like? Most traders assume that a Happy Market looks like this: But you would be wrong. A Happy Market actually looks like this: Now notice I said the market was Happy, not... + More
Coaching and Training: The Keys to Day Trading Success
Ah trading…..why is it so easy? Yeah right! I don’t know if you’re like me or not, but this profession did not come easy to me, not easy at all. If you’ve ever heard that saying “You need to break... + More
How Can Diversification Improve Day Your Trading?
Think of taking a winning investment portfolio strategy and using it as a day trader. Trading just One Market using only one or two contracts is a slow road to failure. The trick is to be able to scan hundreds of markets in futures,... + More
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
How to Use Day Trading Software with Price Patterns and Candlesticks
Day Trading with Price Patterns At the core of any reliable day trading system, is the ability to analyze price trends. Traders that use a day trading platform for their executions or for thorough analysis when determining price action must use some form of Price charts to... + More
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
The World’s Best Trading Indicator
Did you know there is an incredible trading indicator out there that will help you significantly improve your trading? One that will help you gain more profit and lessen your losses. One that will give you consistent results and help... + More
Using Day Trading Software and Candlestick Signals
Day Trading Futures with Commodity Trading Software using Candlestick charts to Generate Profits For commodity trading software to be its most effective when day trading futures, the price trends must be analyzed. Investors that use commodity trading software for their... + More
The World’s Best Indicator
Did you know there is an amazing indicator out there that will help improve your trading? One that will help you gain more profit and lessen your losses. One that will give you consistent results and help you “pull the... + More
Monday, May 2, 2016
Leverage Has It’s Place in All Day Trading Systems
Day Trading Leverage in Trading Systems Maximizes Capital There is a specific reason why all professional traders use day trading leverage to make the most efficient use of their trading capital. Realizing the significant advantages to entering every trade with leverage, there is... + More
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Leverage Has It’s Place in All Day Trading Systems
Leverage in Day Trading Systems Maximizes Capital There is a specific reason why all professional traders use leverage every day to make the most efficient use of their trading or investing capital. Realizing the significant advantages to entering every trade... + More
Friday, April 29, 2016
Learn to Day Trade with Trading Webinars and Mentors
The Most Effective Method to Learn to Day Trade Most people who want to learn to day trade start out sifting through the thousands of trading books found on the Internet. In their quest to learn to day trade, most people find how to books are one of the least effective methods for learning and succeeding at day trading the markets. The software and education combination is a bar better route to make money trading futures, forex, and stocks. Day trading mentoring in conjunction with equities, forex, and commodity trading software have proven to be the most efficient method for traders in their quest to learn to day trade. Trading seminars taught by professionals are available for the beginner or intermediate trader in either a live format or an online webinar. This type of learning process is most effective when there is interactivity between the trainer and the students. Alternatively, individualized mentoring instruction, while more expensive, can be a very effective method to
Learn to Day Trade with Online Trading Webinars
The Most Effective Method to Learn to Day Trade Most people who want to learn to day trade start out sifting through the thousands of trading books found on the Internet. In their quest to learn to day trade, most people find how to books are one of the least effective methods for learning and succeeding at day trading the markets. The software and education combination is a bar better route to make money trading futures, forex, and stocks. Day trading mentoring in conjunction with equities, forex, and commodity trading software have proven to be the most efficient method for traders in their quest to learn to day trade. Trading seminars taught by professionals are available for the beginner or intermediate trader in either a live format or an online webinar. This type of learning process is most effective when there is interactivity between the trainer and the students. Alternatively, individualized mentoring instruction, while more expensive, can be a very effective method to
Learn Trading through Mentoring and Online Trading Webinars
Learn Trading through Instruction and Mentoring Books on day trading are available everywhere that help individuals learn trading and how to make money through the various trading instruments. However, they are often one of the least effective ways to comprehend the process. There are better day trading tools including commodity trading software and online trading software that have been proven effective for many traders in their quest to learn trading. Trading seminars taught by professionals are also available for the beginner and intermediate trader in either a live format, or an online webinar. This type of learning process is its most effective when there is interactivity between the trainer and the student. Alternatively, individualized mentoring instruction proves to be a highly effective method for one to learn day trading that can lead to a long, successful trading career. Learn Trading One on One There are numerous individualized trading instruction & mentoring programs wh
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
How Much Money Can You Make Day Trading?
A question I often get in my line of work is how much money can you make from day trading. The question usually sounds something like: Hi, Adam! I was wondering if you could share with me how much you are making per month (either in $$ s or %) so I can know what to expect for myself. After getting over the initial shock someone would ask something so personal, I started to try to figure out how to best answer this question. I have no problem being open and honest about anything, but I have a value system that usually prevents me from sharing every detail of my life indiscriminately. However, I realized that even if I only shared my numbers with each person asking, it would not help their trading one bit. Why? Because everyone s experience is different! Day trading is not like a regular career choice or job. There are no guarantees for success. Because I have worked with so many traders over the years, I have a big picture understanding of how much day trading money
How Much Money Can You Make Day Trading
A question I often get in my line of work is how much money can you make from day trading. The question usually sounds something like: Hi, Adam! I was wondering if you could share with me how much you are making per month (either in $$ s or %) so I can know what to expect for myself. After getting over the initial shock someone would ask something so personal, I started to try to figure out how to best answer this question. I have no problem being open and honest about anything, but I have a value system that usually prevents me from sharing every detail of my life indiscriminately. However, I realized that even if I only shared my numbers with each person asking, it would not help their trading one bit. Why? Because everyone s experience is different! Day trading is not like a regular career choice or job. There are no guarantees for success. Because I have worked with so many traders over the years, I have a big picture understanding of how much day trading money
How Much Money Can I Make Day Trading?
A question I often get in my line of work is how much money can you make from day trading. The question usually sounds something like: Hi Adam! I was wondering if you could share with me how much you are making per month (either in $$ s or %) so I can know what to expect for myself. After getting over the initial shock someone would ask something so personal, I started to try to figure out how to best answer this question. I have no problem being open and honest about anything, but I have certain sensibilities which usually prevent me from sharing every detail of my life indiscriminately. However, I realized that even if I simply shared my numbers with each person asking, it would not help their trading one bit. Why? Because everyone s experience is different! Day trading is not like a regular career choice or job. There are no guarantees for success overall and it s got such a wide range of results people find from doing it. In many professions it is easier to gaug
How to Make the Perfect Day Trading Sandwich
When people use the term day trading , they mean the act of buying and selling a stock within the same day. Day traders seek to make profits by leveraging large amounts of capital to take advantage of small price movements in highly liquid stocks or indexes. Here we look at some common day trading strategies that can be used by retail traders. Now, you’re probably saying… “What the heck does a Sandwich have to do with a profitable trading plan?” It turns out A LOT! In order to have a great sandwich, you must have two slices of quality bread, and your personal choice of ingredients, right? That said.. what critical role does bread play in the making of a solid sandwich? It holds everything together… A great Trading System is exactly the same! Here’s the point: The ingredients between the bread are important. However, choosing those ingredients is a matter of personal preference. In fact, there is nearly an infinite combination of things you can use to make a sandwich But, t
How Much Can I Make Trading?
A question I often get in my line of work is how much money can you make from day trading. The question usually sounds something like: Hi Adam! I was wondering if you could share with me how much you are making per month (either in $$ s or %) so I can know what to expect for myself. After getting over the initial shock someone would ask something so personal, I started to try to figure out how to best answer this question. I have no problem being open and honest about anything, but I have certain sensibilities which usually prevent me from sharing every detail of my life indiscriminately. But I realized that even if I simply told each of these people asking the numbers, it would not help their trading one bit. Why? Because everyone s experience is different! Day trading is not like a regular career choice or job. There are no guarantees for success overall and it s got such a wide range of results people find from doing it. In many professions it is easier to gauge
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Sunday, April 24, 2016
5 Things to Help Protect Your Trading Account
You wouldn t embark on our day trading journey if we thought you were going to lose money. I think only the most masochistic of gamblers gets into day trading specifically to blow money. Yet, after only a bit of experience, virtually any trader realizes losing money can happen even when that is the last thing on their mind. So today, I want to focus on the day trading version of a classic baseball pitching by saying don t give up the big inning. In baseball, the pitcher has a unique position in that every ball on the defensive side goes through his hands on the way to whatever the result may be. He has the game in his hands and his supporting cast of defensive players can only watch and react to what happens after the ball leaves his hands. I propose that YOU are just like the pitcher in the ballgame of day trading. In baseball, a pitcher can lose composure or get tired. Pitches that were hard to hit before now sail from the mound to the other guy holding the bat. It is
Automated Trading Software
Man vs. Machine Recently, I was asked if we are creating Automated Trading software for the Diversified Trading System (DTS) or the Raptor Trading System (RTS). The answer is Yes. But it s still far out. Why? Because while the math of this Automated Trader is based on our Trading Systems; the program is being designed for an automated trading environment. IMHO, a common misunderstanding is that one can automate how humans trade and that humans can trade the way machines do. Each device has its strengths and weaknesses. I believe humans can be better traders than machines because they can process more nuances than a computer. Subtle is tough to code. But, humans suffer from inconsistent execution and follow through. This situation is not the case with an automated system. A computer can be depended on to take the same trade under the same conditions every single time. The challenge with Automated trading is Chop . Choppy tight range price action is tough enough on us humans.
Knowing YOU are the pitcher in the ball game of day trading
We wouldn t embark on our day trading journey if we thought we were going to lose money. I think only the most masochistic of gamblers gets into day trading specifically to blow money. Yet, after only a bit of experience, virtually any trader realizes losing money can happen even when that is the last thing on their mind. So today, I want to focus on the day trading version of a classic baseball pitching saying (since we are about to start the MLB season!) don t give up the big inning. In baseball, the pitcher has a unique position in that every ball on the defensive side goes through his hands on the way to whatever the result may be. He has the game in his hands and his supporting cast of defensive players can only watch and react to what happens after the ball leaves his hands. I would like to make the analogy that YOU are the pitcher in the ballgame of day trading. In baseball, a pitcher can lose composure or get tired and pitches that were hard to hit before now sail
Algorithmic Trading Software
Man vs. Machine Recently, I was asked if we are creating algorithmic Trading software for DTS. The answer is Yes. But it s still far out. Why? Because while the math of this algorithmic trader is based on the Diversified Trading Systems; the program is being designed for an auto trading environment. IMHO, a common misunderstanding is that one can automate how humans trade and/or that humans can trade the way machines do. Each device has its own strengths and weaknesses. I believe humans can be better traders than machines because they are able to process more nuances than a computer. Subtle is extremely difficult to code. But, humans suffer from inconsistent execution and follow through. This is not the case with an electronic system. A computer can be depended on to take the same trade under the same conditions every single time. The challenge with algorithmic trading is Chop . Choppy tight range price action is tough enough on us humans. But, for computers, it s dead
Friday, April 22, 2016
Use the Daily Range to Set Stop Loss and Profit Targets
Anyone who spends any time in our trade room, or simply talking to me about trading knows I am a support and resistance addict. I use it daily, with every trade. My approach to trading ANYTHING relies on the information given through Support and Resistance. And, when people ask me about stops and profits targets .yup I say Put them near key support and resistance levels. But what if I had to do it differently? What if my trading REQUIRED me to choose mechanical, calculated values instead? How the heck would I do it? Could this a Support and Resistance junkie really come up with a way that made sense? I always enjoy a challenge. So, I spent some time thinking about it. If I had to choose a method for placing my stops and profit targets not based on my favorite method here is how I would: Before I get to the actual nuts and bolts , let s cover the theory first. The name of the game here is Daily Range. What is a daily range? It s the number, in ticks, that each trading
What George Costanza Taught Me About Stop Management
George Costanza (Jason Alexander), the lovable loser from the sitcom Seinfeld, never seemed to be able to get ahead. That is, until one particular episode where George got fed up with his circumstances and decided to do everything opposite of what he normally did. The logic was that if the things he normally did got him to where he was now (loser) then doing the exact opposite should get him to where he wanted to be (winner). The outcome was that, by the end of the show, George was the new Manager of the New York Yankees, so his plan worked splendidly. I thought this was a fascinating concept and one that might have relevance in the trading world as well. Maybe we, as traders, need to be more like George Costanza and question what we’ve assumed to be right all these years. Maybe like George, we too will have the opposite result and turn our losing trades into winners! Traders tend to treat trading axioms as Gospel. If it sounds good, we believe it. We hear things like: the trend is
Chuck Norris’ Day Trading Boredom Smackdown
Do you ever get bored when trading? I hear this quite a lot. In fact, it is often day trading boredom that can cause us to lose our grip on a disciplined approach. After all, there are few things more exciting and ultimately satisfying than taking a trade you should not have and then winning big. It delivers that guilty pleasure of being an outlaw, rebel, and hero all rolled into one. Good guys wear black! Unfortunately, this scenario is highly addictive, and it has cleaned out many accounts. Let s just put it this way: it is crazy! Just say no! The question is How should you deal with day trading boredom? It might drive you into rapid action scenarios like micro-scalping. Nothing wrong with that but you better know your stuff. Otherwise, it is equally as crazy as taking the trade you should not have. Common boredom killers are watching TV, a movie, or surfing the net, knitting (ya, right) all the while keeping an eye on your analysis chart. The problem is,
Chuck Norris Day Trading
Do you ever get bored when trading? I hear this quite a lot. In fact, it s often the boredom that can cause us to lose our grip on a disciplined approach. After all, there are few things more exciting and ultimately satisfying than taking a trade you shouldn t have and then winning big. It delivers that guilty pleasure of being an outlaw, rebel, and hero all rolled into one. Good guys wear black! Unfortunately, this scenario is highly addictive and it has cleaned out many accounts. Let s just put it this way: it s crazy! Just say no! But still, how do you deal with the boredom of day trading? It might drive you into rapid action scenarios like micro-scalping. Nothing wrong with that but you better know your stuff otherwise it s equally crazy as taking the trade you shouldn t have. Common boredom killers are watching TV, a movie, or surfing the net, knitting (ya, right) all the while keeping an eye on your analysis chart. The problem is, these solutions tak
Stops and Take Profits; A Fresh Approach
Anyone who spends any time with me trading, or simply talking to me about trading knows I am a support and resistance addict. I use it daily, with every trade. My approach to trading ANYTHING relies on the information given through S/R. And; when people ask me about stops and take profits .yup .I say Put them around support and resistance. But what if I had to do it differently? What if my trading REQUIRED me to choose mechanical, calculated values instead? How the heck would I do it? Could this S/R junkie really come up with a way that made sense? I find challenges teach us more than easy street and going with what you know much of the time, and I spent some time thinking about it. OK, so if I HAD to choose a method(s) to place my stops and t/p s not based on my favorite method here s how I would: Before I get to the actual nuts and bolts of the method I would employ, let me talk about the theory behind it first. The name of the game here is Daily Range. What is d
What George Costanza Taught Me About Stop Management
George Costanza (Jason Alexander), the lovable loser from the sitcom Seinfeld, never seemed to be able to get ahead. That is, until one particular episode where George got fed up with his circumstances and decided to do everything opposite of what he normally did. The logic was that if the things he normally did got him to where he was now (loser) then doing the exact opposite should get him to where he wanted to be (winner). The outcome was that, by the end of the show, George was the new Manager of the New York Yankees, so his plan worked splendidly. I thought this was a fascinating concept and one that might have relevance in the trading world as well. Maybe we, as traders, need to be more like George Costanza and question what we’ve assumed to be right all these years. Maybe like George, we too will have the opposite result and turn our losing trades into winners! Traders tend to treat trading axioms as Gospel. If it sounds good, we believe it. We hear things like: the trend is
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Day Trade to Win – A System Hopper’s Misguided Journey
Let s take a trip down memory lane shall we? It was 1989. Michael Jordan was a rising star, on his way to becoming legendary. Spike Lee was making edgy, popular films. Being a huge basketball fan, he agreed to do an unforgettable commercial about Jordan called Remember? IT S GOTTA BE DA SHOES! This television commercial for our younger audience, as themed around Spike Lee inquiring as to how Michael Jordan was just so amazing, and his focus was around the most obvious answer .the shoes! Wait! You re telling me that you don t believe the shoes MADE Jordan a great player? Without the shoes .average, six and a half foot guy. With the shoes, though ..look out! Yes, it s a very cool advertisement, one that has stuck with me for 25 years no less. I still quote it (uhh, did a few sentences ago) and my brother and I still joke about it (my family is a solid Bulls-loving team with me as the black sheep ). But at no time would anyone be taken seriously if they believed that M
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Best Practices for Risk Management Using Stop Loss Orders
Day Trading Futures: Using Stop Loss Orders Stop loss orders (also referred to as a stop-loss, or stops) is a tool that is used to exit a trade once its movement begins to lose money. Anytime the market starts to move against the trade; the system will automatically knock the trade on the market once the stop loss order price has been reached. To achieve the status of a highly successful trader when day trading futures, traders need to use a stop loss in every one of their trades without exception. Profitable traders use stop losses for both regular exits and emergency exits to prevent a crash when the market turns heavily against them. How to Place a Stop Loss Order Correctly when Day Trading Futures There are two separate correct methods for how to trail a stop loss. The first is more often than not used by discretionary traders when they place it at a price level that the trade is unexpected to reach. The price at which it is placed is often at a level that would make the trader f
Best Practices for Risk Management Using Stop Loss Orders
Day Trading Futures: Using Stop Loss Orders A stop loss order (also referred to as a stop loss, or stop) is a tool that is used to exit a trade once its movement begins to lose money. Anytime the market begins to move against the trade, the system will automatically knock the trade on the market once the stop loss order price has been reached. To achieve the status of highly successful trader when day trading futures, traders need to use a stop loss in every one of their trades without exception. Profitable traders use stop losses for both regular exits and emergency exits to stop a crash when the market turns heavily against them. How to Place a Stop Loss Order Correctly when Day Trading Futures There are two separate correct methods for how to trail a stop loss. The first is more often than not used by discretionary traders when they place it at a price level that the trade is unexpected to reach. The price at which it is placed is often at a level that would make the trader formula
Sunday, April 17, 2016
4 Sure Fire Ways to Overcome Trading Boredom
Music Use Music Turn on some soft background or ambient music and let it help keep you calm and focused.
Friday, April 15, 2016
What the Heck is Technical Analysis? A Trader’s Guide
Aaaaand they re off! ..or are they? Although the horse race begins with a loud announcement and a bell, we unfortunately do not have the same clear signals much of the time in the markets. Technical analysis is a game of incomplete information and risk. If we were able to know all the answers, there would be no money to be made as no one would ever take the bad side of an obvious trade, or it would involve illegally conning someone into giving you their money. If that doesn t make sense, just think about why we don t bet on games that have already happened, and what the persons involved would be doing if it DID happen. Trading in the real market creates a situation where the outcome is unknown, therefore allowing different viewpoints to take a chance on their information and analysis and completing the necessary condition of a buyer and a seller to make the transaction exist in the first place. The difference, in the long run, for the most part comes down to which side o
What the Heck is Technical Analysis? A Trader’s Guide
Aaaaand they re off! ..or are they? Although the horse race begins with a loud announcement and a bell, we unfortunately do not have the same clear signals much of the time in forex. It is a game of incomplete information and risk. If we were able to know all the answers, there would be no money to be made as no one would ever take the bad side of an obvious trade, or it would involve illegally conning someone into giving you their money. If that doesn t make sense, just think about why we don t bet on games that have already happened, and what the persons involved would be doing if it DID happen. Trading in the real market creates a situation where the outcome is unknown, therefore allowing different viewpoints to take a chance on their information and analysis and completing the necessary condition of a buyer and a seller to make the transaction exist in the first place. The difference, in the long run, for the most part comes down to which side of that equation has done
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Day Trading Strategy – Minimize Sentimentality
It is well known that there is a lot of psychology involved in the life of day trader. However, sentimentality is one emotion that has no place in a day trading strategy. Throughout the course of a day trader’s week, he or she can experience all the emotions of success and loss, and the heartache of making a bad decision. One of the psychological traits that many day traders work on is controlling their propensity to perform sentimental trading. Why Do We Do Sentimental Trading? There are numerous reasons why a day trader might become highly sentimental about one of their trades. For some day traders, it is just a natural reaction in their personality because they become sentimental over a variety of things in their lives. Other traders that are not sentimental about external things at all can be extremely sentimental when it comes to their egos. They simply do not have it in them to accept a losing trade. Even if they hold tight to their money and display frugality away from t
Monday, April 11, 2016
Trade Multiple Contracts to get Real Profits
Get an Edge and Trade Multiple Contracts When day trading futures, traders often enter and exit multiple contracts at the same time, in the same day. This situation is not limited to futures contracts; traders can choose other instruments to day trade using more than one contract. Typically a minimum trade is estimated at one hundred shares or one future contract. While single contracts offer an advantage to small capital investors, multiple contracts are used by professional day traders to generate enough profits to operate their business efficiently. Day Trading Single Contracts Single contracts work as an effective day trading tool to purchase trades using minimal capital. This strategy minimizes risk and allows the investor the time needed to become comfortable in trading his or her contract or shares. The ease of trading with a single contract reduces complications that typically are involved in managing multiple contracts. However, with today’s more advanced day trading system
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Trade Multiple Contracts to get real Profits
Day Trading Systems: Get A Profit Edge Using Multiple Contracts When day trading futures, traders often enter and exit multiple contracts at the same time, in the same day. This is not limited to futures contracts, traders can choose other instruments to day trade using multiple contracts. Typically a minimum trade is estimated at one hundred shares, or one futures contract. While single contracts offer an advantage to small capital investors, multiple contracts are used by professional day traders to generate enough profits to operate their business effectively. Day Trading Single Contracts Single contracts work as an effective day trading tool to purchase trades using minimal capital. This strategy minimizes risk and allows the investor the time needed to become comfortable in trading his or her contract or shares. The ease of trading with a single contract minimizes complications that typically are involved in managing multiple contracts. However, with today’s more advanced day t
7 Things Star Wars Taught Me About Day Trading
Earlier this week, I was geeking out with a friend and discussing what movie had the biggest impact on us as children. For me it was easy… “Star Wars,” of course. There is no doubt that the special-effects, light sabers and good versus evil storyline was engaging. But it was only later in life that I realized the relatively minor piece of the storyline had a lasting impact on me. I m talking about The Force. Evidently, I’m not the only one. In 2001, “Jedi” became the fourth most popular religion in the United Kingdom. I saw the original Star Wars when I was 10 years old and it changed my life. We all have faith in something; usually a mixture of some personal beliefs with modern science. It was only later when I became a religious studies major in college that I realized that the force referred to a common theme found in all world religions… The oneness or force that connects all things in life. That idea shows up as a universal concept ranging from Christianit
Friday, April 8, 2016
Improve Your Day Trading Results by Overcoming Stubbornness
Pig-Headedness has No Place in Day Trading When it comes to improving you day trading results, learning to recognize and overcome your stubbornness can make you a better trader. The single biggest part of ever becoming successful at day trading is developing the right personality traits. Although we are all human and are often influenced by our particular characteristics and developed emotions, professional day traders have learned to use specific tools to overcome reactionary emotions that serve as counterproductive trappings in your trading schemes. Without a doubt, stubbornness is a personality trait that can quickly drain the funds from even the most successful day trader. The Stubbornness Correlation to Day Trading Results Stubbornness can be an ugly emotion. Displaying this trait often creates a scenario that produces negative consequences. To be successful, day trading requires decisive action based on specific scenarios that often need to be performed without hesitation. Creat
Increase Day Trading Profits by Overcoming Your Stubbornness
Being Pig Headed will not Improve Day Trading Results Learning to recognize and overcome your stubbornness can make you a better day trader. The single biggest part of ever becoming successful at day trading is developing the right personality traits. Although we are all human, and are often influenced by our specific personalities and developed emotions, professional day traders have learned to use specific tools to overcome reactionary emotions that serve as counterproductive trappings in your trading schemes. Without a doubt, stubbornness is a personality trait that can quickly drain the funds from even the most successful day trader. Defining Your Stubbornness as a Day Trader Stubbornness can be an ugly emotion. Displaying your stubbornness often creates a scenario that produces its own negative consequences. To be successful, day trading requires decisive action based on specific scenarios that often need to be performed without hesitation. Producing profits in your job requir
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Day Trading Psychology Tips from Richard Friesen
Sometimes I find trading psychology material a bore because more often than not, it s the same old stuff repeated. Certainly, successful management of your emotions, biases and triggers is of paramount importance to the trader. But, what has always been missing for me is a better understanding of what s really going on in there and some practical things I can do to deal with it. In the past, I hosted a webinar for Richard Friesen called The Breakout Psyche: Mastering Your Psychology for Profitable Trading. I know Rich very well because he designed our Trader Assessment Test but I never really knew his methods to help traders master their mental game. During the presentation with Erich Senft, I found myself enthralled with what Rich had to say and it was on a subject that usually puts me to sleep. Erich also had to admit that Rich made him think about his psychology in a whole new way that s saying a lot coming from a 17-year trading veteran. Rich is an expert in trading psych
Day Trading Psychology Tips from Richard Friesen
Sometimes I find trading psychology material a bore because more often than not, it s the same old stuff repeated. Certainly, successful management of your emotions, biases and triggers is of paramount importance to the trader. But, what has always been missing for me is a better understanding of what s really going on in there and some practical things I can do to deal with it. I recently hosted a webinar for Richard Friesen called The Breakout Psyche: Mastering Your Psychology for Profitable Trading. I know Rich very well because he designed our Trader Assessment Test but I never really knew his methods to help traders master their mental game. I was there to host the presentation with Erich Senft and I found myself enthralled with what Rich had to say and it was on a subject that usually puts me to sleep. Erich also had to admit that Rich made him think about his psychology in a whole new way that s saying a lot coming from a 17 year trading veteran. Rich is an expert in
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Fake Testimonials at Indicator Warehouse?
Someone emailed me this past week accusing Indicator Warehouse of having fake testimonials! Yikes! His reasoning was because there were two testimonials with the same text. How that reveals they are fake as opposed to our webmaster incorrectly posting them, I’m not sure. Nonetheless, I wanted to address the issue in case you have any doubts yourself. I am a huge believer in old school customer service. It s something that, sadly, is getting harder and harder to find. A major part of delivering quality support is simply asking how are we doing? After you become a customer at Indicator Warehouse, I like to periodically check-in and see how things are going. So don t be surprised if you get a friendly email that essentially says, “Hi … are we doing a good job? Please let us know how we can help.” All you have to do is hit reply and let us know if there is anything we can do better. It’s kind of like the waiter in a restaurant coming back to your table, “Is everything alri
Learn to Biohack Your Trading Brain
Warning: This post is going to be interactive. Biohackers like trading psychologist Richard Friesen believe in experience-based learning. Or in plainer terms they like to touch stuff. Rich always says to me, If you don’t try it, how do you know it works? Your Challenge: Attend this seminar and Learn F.A.S.T. FAST learning means Forget: Forget your preconceptions. Active: Actively listen and participate in the exercises. State: Sit up, lean forward. Feel the excitement and curiosity to learn. Teach: Learn as though you must teach this to others. Do you accept the challenge? If so, take a moment to Register Now. Well done! So What the heck is “Biohacking”? Biohacking is a crazy-sounding name for something not crazy at all—the desire to be the absolute best version of ourselves. The main thing that separates a biohacker from the rest of the self-improvement world is a systems-thinking approach to using our brains. Biohackers know that whatever you put into your mind has an
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Here’s Some Trading Tips While Working Full Time
We all start trading with hopes and aspirations of leaving our day job; let’s face it, the 9 to 5 grind, the commute, and the fact we answer to someone else seems to push us toward a more rewarding endeavor and ultimately real freedom. So, what can we do? How can we trade when we have a full-time job to pay the bills? Part-Time Trading Tips When I first started trading, I had a full-time job myself. I would spend my days dreaming of when I could trade full time on my own, or at least not have to go to work every day. The answer to starting in trading was the pre-market, or what I like to call the overnights . This period, also known as the London session, has a myriad of instruments you can trade. The real beauty of the futures markets is that with Globex, it trades 24 hours a day from Sunday afternoon through Friday. Now, not all markets are suitable to trade “overnight”. Unless you are holding a longer position, you need to choose your markets carefully and ensure
Here’s Some Tips on Trading While Working Full Time
We all start trading with hopes and aspirations of leaving our day job; let’s face it, the nine to five grind, the commute, and the fact we answer to someone else seems to push us toward a more rewarding endeavor that in the end could ultimately provide us with true wealth. So what can we do? How can we trade when we have a full-time job in order to pay the bills? When I first started trading I had a full time job myself. I would spend my days dreaming of the day I could trade full time on my own, or at least not have to go to work every day. The answer to my dream of getting started in trading was the pre markets, or what I like to call the overnights. This is known as the London session and there are a myriad of instruments that you can choose from to trade. The real beauty of the futures markets is that with Globex, it trades 24 hours a day from Sunday afternoon through Friday afternoon. Now, not all markets are suitable to trade “overnight” (unless you are holdin
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Trading Vendors: How Does Real Day Trading Work
CFTC Warning Day Trading Vendors who Publish Results Beware! It happened to me. It s happened to every trader I ve ever known. My guess is it s happened to you. I m talking about being suckered into buying a day trading system because of the killer results in their advertising. i.e. Buy this and you will make a lot of money just like these results I know it s hard to ignore these claims but the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) recently put out a warning to day traders about these types trading vendors of day trading systems. Here at Indicator Warehouse we don t make such claims because, well, publishing results with the false implication that you will achieve the exact same is absurd. If you were buying a race car and I pointed to one on the lot and said, That car won three races last week, does that mean you are going to win a race if you buy it? If you were buying a power saw to build something and I said, This saw is the one used to make this award winning furn
Friday, April 1, 2016
The Importance of Testing Your Day Trading System
Your Day Trading System Testing is An Important Part Of The Process Every individual that would like to make money trading commodities can find great assistance in using a day trading system to generate profits for their portfolio. Savvy traders who have developed an effective day trading strategy watch their portfolios increase, while those that simply attempt to trade in the market get back little more than heart ache. While there are effective day trading software programs available, nothing for sale works by simply pushing a button. It requires forethought, knowledge and dedication for generating your own day trading system with parameters and stop losses, along with the basic understanding of day trading indicators. Smart investors know that to comprehend the probability of their futures returns, it is necessary to test their day trading system. They perform this by doing back testing along with paper trades. A back test simply refers to using trading signals from historical tr
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Bring Your Trading A-Game
This week I tried to trade after a visit to the dentist. As you might guess I had less than desirable results. The experience reminded me about an important concept often overlooked by traders: if you’re going to trade your best you have to be at your best. Simply put this means that you have to “have your head in the game”, or put another way, you cannot trade well if you are not 100% focused on your trading. It seems simple enough yet we often push ourselves to trade even though we’re not in our best frame of mind to perform. Remember that trading is not like other businesses. If you are not at your best the market will not have mercy on you, and that could make for an expensive day. Your success or failure depends in large part on your ability to focus and handle the pressures associated with trading. Here are a couple of suggestions to improve your trading performance that I learned the hard way. Get Your Rest Sometimes performing your best is as simple as getting a good n
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Monday, March 28, 2016
Staying Steady in Narrow Range Day Markets
Dealing with a Narrow Range Day Don t think that simply because a market is ranging, that you can t make money. Depending upon how you go about day trading, a narrow range day may offer excellent opportunities to trade. Part of being able to spot opportunities is learning how to use indicators for day trading in the right way. If your expectation of day trading software is a one size fits all trading system, you may have the predisposition to regard a narrow range day a sign that there s no way you can make any money at all. If you feel this way, talk to more experienced day traders and ask them if they can help you learn trading techniques that will allow you to make money when most people are losing. Day traders live in something of a time-lapse version of the regular trading world. For a trader, a narrow range may last a half an hour, a half a day or a week. Day trading software and useful custom indicators enable you to capitalize on the challenges of trading on a narrow rang
Sunday, March 27, 2016
8 Tools to Make You a Successful Day Trader
Techniques and Methods of a Successful Day Trader Most successful day traders share common personality traits and behaviours to achieve their personal and professional goals. While many a successful day trader performs their trading activity from the comfort of their home, they understand the discipline necessary to be successful at their job. By maintaining good work habits, they remain focused and active during their respective trading sessions to meet and exceed their trading goals. A large part of the daily life of a successful day trader includes: Day Trading System Successful day traders use reliable day trading software and never deviate from it. They understand all their positions, entries, exit targets, and stop placement before making their first trade of the day. Scalp, Range or Trend A successful day trader always understands the current market state before committing to any trade. Many successful traders use specific day trading strategies that follow and adapt to cha
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Where do Trading Systems fit in the Daily Life of a Successful Day Trader?
Successful Day Traders Use proven Day Trading Systems to Achieve Their Goals Most individuals that live their life as a successful day trader walk the same path every day to achieve their goals. While many of successful individuals perform their day trades from the comfort of their home, they understand the requirements of discipline to stay focused on their job. Developing good habits, they remain active while the market is open and perform their due diligence every day, to attain their riches. A large part of their daily life as a successful day trader includes: Effective Day Trading Systems – Successful day traders formulate a proven trading plan and never deviate from it. They understand all of their positions, entries, exit targets, and where the place all their stops before ever making a trade online. Up, Down or Sideways – Productive day traders always understand the direction of the overall trend before ever making the trade. Many successful traders use specific day tradin
Friday, March 25, 2016
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Taking Profits Too Quickly? It’s Time For A Strategy Tune-up
Taking profits too quickly and letting losers run are common problems amongst new and old traders. The combination of the two often ends up shortening the professional trading careers of many. The cause is most times traceable back to the strategy and position sizing being employed or the lack thereof. The answer then is often found by doing a strategy tune-up. A common mistake is to begin trading without a well-defined strategy or objective. Taking profits too quickly or letting a losing trade run are not uncommon even amongst more experienced traders. Starting with a clear objective is important. What is your per trade profit target? How many contracts are you trading? How often are you trading? Where are you placing a stop? What is your exit strategy? What amazes traders the most after using the Trade Manager is how much money they were leaving on the table by not having the correct amount of shares or contracts for each trade. Ninety-five percent of tr
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
NinjaTrader Forex Trading Support
Forex 101: Currency Pairs Forex is hot again! Lately, we ve received a lot of different emails asking some common questions about Forex trading by folks either new to trading or just new to using NinjaTrader in the Forex market. Now that NinjaTrader is investing a lot of resources to establish a strong presence in the Foreign currency trading markets, all we can say is lookout Mt4! To ensure there is plenty of material to support NinjaTrader Forex traders in their journey towards successful, consistent FX trading, Indicator Warehouse has implemented a broad range of FX trading support resources and a Forex and added a Forex trading coach to the team. Today s topic covers one of the most basic building blocks of forex: the currency pair itself. Sure, there are lots of them. But what do they mean? Which ones should you trade? Are there any easy ones? Or are they all the same? Let s find out! What Is a Currency Pair? Currency Pairs The “pairing” of one currency ag
Forex 101: Currency Pairs
We receive a lot of different emails asking some common questions about Forex trading by folks either new to trading altogether or just new to the Forex market. To ensure there is plenty of material to support them in their journey towards successful, consistent trading, we are creating a series of 101-style articles geared for new traders among us. Today s topic covers one of the most basic building blog of forex: the currency pair itself. Sure, there are lots of them. But what do they mean? Which ones should you trade? Are there any easy ones? Or are they all the same? Let s find out! What Is a Currency Pair? Currency Pairs: The “pairing” of one currency against another to obtain a market value for either. Example: The price of the Eur/Usd means comparing how many Euros ONE US Dollar can purchase OR vice versa. Eur/Usd= 1.3000 means that ONE Euro = $1.30 USD OR ONE Dollar USD = Approx 0.77 Euros The currency at the beginning of the pair is essentially the curren
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Can Tick Value Affect Your Trades?
Most traders get so involved in the act of trading they give very little thought to what they will be trading. They do they know that the instrument they choose to trade can have a big impact on their overall success. Choose a bad market and you ll find yourself under-capitalized, taking more significant losses, and losing out on a nice profit. So how does the average trader pick a market to trade? Usually, there s very little (if any) thought involved. They often gravitate to whatever market is “sexy” at the moment. This method usually translates into a very fast, very volatile market such as Gold or Crude, to which the average trader may not be suited to trade. Another popular way of picking a market is to go for a high tick value. This approach explains why the emini S&P is “King of the Hill” of the mini-index markets. At $12.50/tick, profits add up quickly – it’s almost too good to not trade – of course, people never seem to consider the reverse of the equation and
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