Friday, December 4, 2015

Can you Predict the Market?

What’s the difference between a Weatherman and a Trader? I asked this question in a private user group a little while ago and stumped quite a few people. Do you know the difference? On the surface they seem the same, but there is a very importance difference between the two. The main difference between a Weatherman and a Trader is that the Weatherman tries to predict what will happen next, whereas a good Trader reacts to what IS happening. A subtle difference, but understanding that difference can make, or cost you, a lot of money. Too many traders get caught up in trying to predict the market. I have friends pushing stock charts in front of me all the time asking “where’s it going from here?” The truth is I don’t know, no one does (and if they tell you differently they’re lying) but what I do know is IF the market does THIS, then THAT should happen – that’s reactionary. That’s reacting to what the market is doing, not trying to predict the market and what it WILL

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