Saturday, October 31, 2015
Handling Day Trading Frustration
The speed and convenience of day trading has made it attractive to many people who may not otherwise have been involved in the stock or commodities markets at all. Invariably, some of the people who get involved in the markets are going to end up experiencing Day Trading Frustration and feeling like it may not be for them after all. Sometimes, you need to be realistic about your expectations, how fast you can learn the markets and about how much even the most successful traders have failed in their lives before you ll be psychologically prepared to deal with those frustrating days on the market. It s Not the End of the World Provided you are only investing a sensible amount in the markets, a bad day should not be the end of the world for you. Some markets tend to be more intense than others are. For example, if you re day trading futures, you re involved in a very fast-moving market where the risks and rewards are both potentially very big. If you have a bad run of luck day trading
Handling Frustration in Day Trading
The speed and convenience of day trading has made it attractive to many people who may not otherwise have been involved in the stock or commodities markets at all. Invariably, some of the people who get involved in day trading are going to end up being frustrated and feeling like it may not be for them after all. Sometimes, you need to be realistic about your expectations, how fast you can learn the markets and about how much even the most successful traders have failed in their lives before you ll be psychologically prepared to deal with those frustrating days on the market. It s Not the End of the World Provided you are only investing a sensible amount in the markets, a bad day should not be the end of the world for you. Some markets tend to be more intense than others are. For example, if you re day trading futures, you re involved in a very fast-moving market where the risks and rewards are both potentially very big. If you have a bad run of luck day trading futures, remember that
Friday, October 30, 2015
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Use the RSI Indicator to Build a Killer Day Trading Strategy
One way to measure the market being overbought or oversold is to use momentum indicators. These types of indicators are often used as an essential aspect of a traditional day trading strategy of buying low and selling high. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a technical momentum indicator that is used to compare the size of recent gains against recent losses. It is used to help determine oversold and overbought conditions of a particular asset. Out of all of the indicators, it is generally considered to be the easiest one to understand and use. Essentially, it will measure an oversold or overbought level using a scale ranging from 1 to 100. As an example, should an indicator register a RSI of 18, it means it is tracking data over the last 18 periods. Each period could represent an hour, a day or a week on a chart. Smart investors use commodity trading software programs and other day trading strategy tools combined with the relative strength index to determine the best time to buy
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
In Day Trading… Timing is Everything
Do you want to know a secret? Professional traders enter their trades early. Why? Because the Professional knows that by entering a trade early he is able to stack the odds in his favor. Entering early puts him ahead of the throngs of other traders who are also planning to enter the market, but are waiting for the bar to finish forming on their charts. Meanwhile the Professional has his order in well ahead of everyone else, allowing him to get a better fill with less slippage. Not only does he get a better price when he enters a trade, but early entry also allows him to get an earlier profit and minimize his losses, if the trade should go badly. But the “secret” is not merely entering a trade early; rather it is knowing when to enter the trade early. The Professional trader knows there is too much risk involved in entering too early. If there is too much time left before the bar completes there is too much uncertainty as to how the bar will finish forming and more uncertainty mean
Sunday, October 25, 2015
How to Succeed Trading the Emini S&P500… Sort of
It’s no secret that the emini S&P 500 (ES) and I have had a very difficult past together. It’s also public knowledge that I don’t trade the ES any more. There are many traders out there who still do trade the ES and they are successful. I, unfortunately, am not one of them But, the real question is why not? Like many new traders, early on in my trading career, I traded the S&P 500. Back then the ES provided good liquidity (and it still does) and it actually moved with some sort of consistency and conviction. These days, in my opinion, not so much. Let’s face it: all markets have changed and will continue to change. As the ES slowed down more and more, I began to fail more and more. I had no idea why this was happening. As far as I was concerned it was purely the markets fault and there was no way it could be me or my methodology or was it? I had to face the facts; I was doing horribly with the S&P 500. I had a conversation with my broker (side note: remember when you coul
How to Succeed Trading the Emini S&P500… Sort of
It’s no secret that the S&P 500 and I have a very difficult past together to say the least. It’s also public knowledge that I don’t trade the ES any more, as well. There are many traders out there who do trade the ES and they are successful, I am unfortunately not one of them; the real question is why not? Early on in my trading career, I traded the ES like the majority of new traders out there; way back when it provided good liquidity (and it still does) and it actually moved with some sort of consistency and conviction. These days, in my opinion, not so much; let’s face it: all markets have changed and will continue to change. As the ES slowed down more and more, I began to fail more and more. I had no earthly reason as to why this was happening. As far as I was concerned it was purely the markets fault and there was no way it could be me or my methodology……..or was it? I had to face the facts; I was doing horrible with the ES. I had a conversation with my broker about
Friday, October 23, 2015
Short-Term Option Trading | A Valuable Trading Tool
Option Trading as a Day Trading Tool Many individuals interested in the stock market consider options and warrants as a long-term investment (position in swing trading). However, both warrants and options can easily be used as a short term day trading tool. Many day traders have proven to be highly successful in taking full advantage of the options and warrants market. Options as a Day Trading Tool: Short or Long All of the non-options markets, including individual stocks and futures, allow for one way to enter into a long trade and another to enter into a short trade. However, with options, the market provides two specific ways to enter a short trade, and another two for a long trade. An investor can enter an underlying, long trade as a put (selling) or a call (buying). The investor can use the same call or put to make a short-term trade. Options: Call or Put Whether the investor uses a call or a put option, will rely on whether he or she is making a longer short trade. Most traders
Short-Term Option Trading Can Serve As a Valuable Day Trading Tool
Options Trading As a Day Trading Tool Many individuals interested in the stock market consider options and warrants as a long-term investment (position in swing trading). However, both warrants and options can easily be used as a short term day trading tool. Many day traders have proven to be highly successful in taking full advantage of the options and warrants market. Options as a Day Trading Tool: Short or Long All of the non-options markets, including individual stocks and futures, allow for one way to enter into a long trade and another to enter into a short trade. However, with options, the market provides two specific ways to enter a short trade, and another two for a long trade. An investor can enter an underlying, long trade as a put (selling) or a call (buying). The investor can use the same call or put to make a short-term trade. Options: Call or Put Whether the investor uses a call or a put option, will rely on whether he or she is making a longer short trade. Most traders
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Halloween Promotion… Treat or Treat?
// We decided to start Halloween early with our own special IW Treats! Typically when we do a promotion, we offer 20% Off. That is a Treat in and of itself. This year we are making things a little sweeter and offering an additional 5% off treat. So from today till midnight on 10/31 you can get 25% off ANYTHING at This means 25% off Basic indicators 25% off Premium indicators 25% off System add-on indicators and even 25% Off the Diversified Trading System or the Raptor Trading System. Use this code to get 25% OFF ANYTHING at! HW25 (Be sure to use ALL CAPS) NOTE: When you are checking put the code in the Enter a Promo Code: box and then click Apply . The Indicator Warehouse Team
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Take a Day Trading Holiday
5 Reasons you Can Take a Break from Trading A day trading holiday like Thanksgiving, Christmas, Memorial Day, Labor Day, and the 4th of July can make day trading the markets even more challenging than usual. For whatever reason, the markets typically slow down and there are probably a million reasons why this happens. I can’t speak to what the big shots on Wall Street are doing. But, it s a pretty safe bet they are like me. When the volume is low and just not moving, I lose interest in trading. Thursday was a perfect example. It took me all of about an hour to realize all I really wanted was to start my three day weekend! The real question is when should we take time for ourselves to recharge? I don’t know about you, but I got into this business was for the freedom to take time off as I please. Let me make a suggestion: when the next holiday comes around, take a little extra time for yourself and take a break from day trading, you may be surprised at how much it h
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Monday, October 19, 2015
Trade as I Say, Not as I Do – Really?
Being a trader I’m always interested in articles and books on trading. I like to see how other traders do things, and every once in a while I’ll learn something new. I just finished an interesting book on Stock trading the other day. The book itself isn t important, there are a thousand books just like it, but what I found interesting is what the author of the book tells his readers to do compared to what the author does himself. You see the author was extolling the same trading axioms you hear all the time: the trend is your friend; don’t hold on to losing positions; don’t average into a declining market – you know the ones but the axiom that got my attention is the oldie but goodie: Cut Your Losses Short and Let Your Profits Run. Sounds like good advice, doesn t it? What I found fascinating is that not only does the author not tell you how to Cut Your Losses Short and Let Your Profits Run, but that he does the exact opposite when describing his own trading! You see this pa
Trade as I Say, Not as I Do – Really?
Being a trader I’m always interested in articles and books on trading. I like to see how other traders do things, and every once in a while I’ll learn something new. I just finished an interesting book on Stock trading the other day. The book itself isn t important, there are a thousand books just like it, but what I found interesting is what the author of the book tells his readers to do compared to what the author does himself. You see the author was extolling the same trading axioms you hear all the time: the trend is your friend; don’t hold on to losing positions; don’t average into a declining market – you know the ones but the axiom that got my attention is the oldie but goodie: Cut Your Losses Short and Let Your Profits Run. Sounds like good advice, doesn t it? What I found fascinating is that not only does the author not tell you how to Cut Your Losses Short and Let Your Profits Run, but that he does the exact opposite when describing his own trading! You see this pa
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Friday, October 16, 2015
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Indicator Warehouse Promotional Code | Halloween 2015 Coupon

Indicator Warehouse 10% Promotional Code | Halloween 2015 Coupon
Promo code = IW10
Discover the Power of Setting Trading Goals
Everyone knows goals are important. Everyone of us has set goals for our personal life. It should be no different for our Trading Life as well. Personal goals may include losing some weight, exercising more, quitting smoking, being active in our community, or spending more quality time with our family. In our Trading life, we set goals to be more organized, earn more money, grow a trading business, complete a trading course, or simplify our methodology. These are certainly all worthy goals. However, most of these goals will not be achieved. Why? Usually because they were not properly set to begin with, or the person setting the goal was not really committed to achieving it. Your attitude is critical – To achieve anything worthwhile in life you must have a positive mental attitude no matter what other successful attributes you possess. A positive mental attitude is the energy that when combined with your other skills and attributes, allows you to reach your goals. Success is a
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
5 Most Common Trading Mistakes
Learn how to avoid typical day trading mistakes The ability to make rational decisions is critical in all aspects of your trading life. Once you have identified and eliminated the most common barriers in the trade decision process, you can expect accelerated success and professional growth. Let s identify the five common mistakes people make when making irrational trade decisions. 1. Trying too hard to be right Although we all want to be right, ironically, the worst way to be correct is to desperately need it. When you are too needy it repels logical thought. Your brain senses your lack of confidence and as a result it starts using negative internal talk . Thankfully there is a solution. The more confidence you build in your trading acumen, the more rational your decisions become. Your sub-conscious mind reflects back what you feel about yourself. So, make a point of building your self-confidence and notice how pleased your conscious rational mind will be with your trading activi
Discover How to Overcome 5 Common Day Trading Mistakes
The ability to make rational decisions is a critical in all aspects of your life trading and social. Once you have identified and eliminated the most common barriers in the trade decision process, you can expect satisfaction, success and professional growth. Let s identify the five common mistakes people make when making rational trade decisions. 1. Trying too hard to be right Although we all want to be right, ironically, the worst way to be correct is to desperately need it. When you are too needy it repels logical thought. Your brain senses your lack of confidence and as a result it starts using negative internal talk . Thankfully there is a solution. The more confidence you build in your trading acumen, the more rational your decisions become. Your sub-conscious mind reflects back what you feel about yourself. So, make a point of building your self-confidence and notice how pleased your conscious rational mind will be with your trading activities. 2. Pretending to be something you
Sunday, October 11, 2015
How to Trade Unpredictable Market Conditions
With an unstable economy and markets often acting in ways we can’t explain, it becomes easy for day traders to get frustrated and lose confidence in their ability to make good trading decisions. Let’s face it; some days are just hard days to trade. But when the markets throw me curve balls, there are a couple rules of thumb I always go by to balance out the uncertainty and keep large risks at bay: Most importantly, recognize the unpredictable market conditions. If you don’t take a second to realize that the market is throwing you curve balls, it might be too late for you to make the adjustments necessary. Use a money management tool like Trade Manager to lower your maximum risk from 5% down to 1% of your entire account. When the markets are unstable, it is easy to over trade. By reducing your risk you can take more trades in a day and withstand the losses long enough to get the wins. // P.S. I invite you to join us every Wednesday in our Fre
Friday, October 9, 2015
Are You a Raving Fan?
If you re in business for yourself or a position that involves servicing customers, then you ve probably read “Raving Fans” by Ken Blanchard. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend you do. The basic premise is that If You Don’t Take Care of Your Customers, Someone Else Will. So, what is a raving fan? Ken Blanchard writes If you really want to own a customer, if you want a booming business, you have to go beyond satisfied customers and create Raving Fans. A raving fan is a loyal customer that actively promotes your products or services without being asked to. It s the same as when you recommend a doctor or a mechanic. If those professionals have done their job right, you are singing their praises to your friends, not because they were the lowest prices, but because they were honest and provided great service. Indicator Warehouse s goal is to consistently deliver service excellence that keeps our customers coming back and creates testimonials like these. Are you a ravi
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Day Trading with Weak Math Skills
Can Improving Math Skills Improve Your Day Trading Results? The best day trading software out there can give you tremendous amounts of information on whatever market you are watching. What it cannot do is make up for any weaknesses you have in the area of math. When you take math into the world of finance, it becomes an entirely different thing, with its own terminology and very specific ways of calculating numbers that are somewhat unique to the world of stocks and futures. Here are some tips to help you improve your math ability in a way that will be useful to trading. Take an Accounting Class to improve your Day Trading? If day trading is your new way of making money, you should talk to your accountant about whether or not any education related to it can be deducted from your taxes as an expense. If not, you should still be able to find very affordable courses in basic accounting at your local community college. Understanding basic accounting will give you a good handle on some of
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Monday, October 5, 2015
How to Know if Your Day Trading System Works?
Imagine if you have six losses in a row but you are okay with it. What would that mean? It would mean you re truly confident in your system. It would mean you KNEW that over time, you would still be profitable. It would mean that you have a system and a methodology that works! The painfully difficult fact to accept is that you can lose nine times out of ten and STILL be profitable. If losses on the nine are kept small, the gain on the one big runner will cover all the losses and enable you to realize a hefty profit as well. Naturally, our desire is to have a system and methodology that is both profitable AND has more winning trades than losers. It feels better. It s less stressful, and quite frankly, just more fun! But no matter if you re a Wall Street shark, a newbie trader, or a even an automated trading computer, the reality of trading is this if you have a system or methodology that gives you a win loss ratio of 50 /50 that s a smokin system!!! And even 3 wins out
Saturday, October 3, 2015
The Core Values of a Trading Company
Our overriding commitment is to help traders do their best in retail and professional environments. A respect for capital preservation, confidentiality, and consistent profitability underpins our culture, brand, and behaviors. So for us here at the Indicator Warehouse, customers come first. Independence means everything to us and is vital for our products and services to be trusted. Our second value states that trading knowledge should be independent and unbiased. We also believe that high quality technology and support drive better outcomes for customers. Where good evidence is not available, we strive to provide the very best trading wisdom. We strongly believe that service matters. We encourage open debate, comment, criticism, and correction. We declare our own interests and the interests of those who work with us. We will explain our decisions. Therefore, our fourth value states that being transparent and open creates trust. We value and listen to the individuals and teams aroun
The Core Values of a Trading Company
Our overriding commitment is to help traders do their best in retail and professional environments. A respect for capital preservation, confidentiality, and consistent profitability underpins our culture, brand, and behaviors. So for us here at the Indicator Warehouse, customers come first. Independence means everything to us and is vital for our products and services to be trusted. Our second value states that trading knowledge should be independent and unbiased. We also believe that high quality technology and support drive better outcomes for customers. Where good evidence is not available, we strive to provide the very best trading wisdom. We strongly believe that service matters. We encourage open debate, comment, criticism, and correction. We declare our own interests and the interests of those who work with us. We will explain our decisions. Therefore, our fourth value states that being transparent and open creates trust. We value and listen to the individuals and teams aroun
Friday, October 2, 2015
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Using Candlestick Formations to Trade, but Still NOT Seeing the Light
The internet is chocked full of blogs, sites and training courses that include a well-known approach to market analysis using candlestick formations. For those of you who don t know already, candlestick formation usage in trading attempts to look at a certain type of candle or group of candles and make a prediction on where the instrument may head after this given formation. They have catchy names like gravestone doji , hanging man , and shooting star just to name a few of the myriad out there. Problem is, when you go out and look for these formations, they don t always seem to work as advertised. So are they useful or not? Depends on HOW you use them! So here are some tips in getting those well-talked about formations into information you can actually use in your trading decisions: Take The Long View: Although candlestick formations theoretically should work on any timeframe, from my experience they really only consistently provide useful information on the bigger timefr
Using Candlestick but NOT Seeing the Light
The internet is chocked full of blogs, sites and training courses that include a well-known approach to market analysis using candlestick formations. For those of you who don t know already, candlestick formation usage in trading attempts to look at a certain type of candle or group of candles and make a prediction on where the instrument may head after this given formation. They have catchy names like gravestone doji , hanging man , and shooting star just to name a few of the myriad out there. Problem is, when you go out and look for these formations, they don t always seem to work as advertised. So are they useful or not? Depends on HOW you use them! So here are some tips in getting those well-talked about formations into action you can use in your trading decisions: Take The Long View: Although candlestick formations theoretically should work on any timeframe, from my experience they really only consistently provide useful information on the bigger timeframes like daily
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