Monday, November 30, 2015

Choosing the Right Stop Loss

I talk with traders all the time about their Stop loss strategies. The number one concern I hear is getting stopped out and then having the trade turn back in the direction of its original move.  This can be incredibly frustrating. In fact, some traders I talk with don t believe in using stops. Let me say right up front… this approach usually ends in disaster! These individuals get caught in the psychological trap of thinking “this trade does not make sense or the market just can’t go higher…” It is my opinion that trading is 90% risk management and 10% entry timing. Why, you may ask?  It’s because, at any moment in a trade, many people are involved… some going long and some taking shorts. Their long and short decisions are neither right nor wrong. In fact, both could be right depending on the time frame being used. In the long run, the difference between the losers and the winners will be how they manage their STOPS.   Bottom line… you simply CANNOT trade without

Saturday, November 28, 2015

November 27 2015 | Futures Trade Room

November 27 2015 | Futures Trade Room

How to Trade the Markets without having to Learn Trading Skills

Use a Professional Trade Analysis Service so you don t have to Learn Trading Skills There are endless varieties of tools to help you learn trading including seminars, books, online courses and one-on-one instruction and coaching. However, none of these trading tools offer any guarantee to transform a dedicated student into a successful trader. Often the information and instructions are not complete and the student is left wondering why they cannot produce optimal results from their trades. However, there are ways to trade in the market that do not require any trading instruction at all. By using analysis or trading services you can participate in the market by using the knowledge provided by others. Don t want to learn trading? Consider a technical analysis service Using the information provided by a professional trade analysis service is one way a trader can make trading decisions based on a professional’s analysis. The trader will receive a daily analysis on their specific marke

Friday, November 27, 2015

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Finding Good Sources of Information for Futures Trading

Finding Good Stocks and Futures Trading Information Aside from the charts you get off of your online trading software, some of the best indicators for stocks and futures trading will come from the media, both big media and independent media. As a day trader, you have to learn how to determine whether the opinions expressed in any media source about the viability of a market move are accurate or not. Here are some tips to help you do that. Technical Analysis vs Fundamentals The best online trading software in the world cannot prevent you from becoming a victim of bad information. Some of the worst information you ll get comes from people who claim to be experts and who base all of their arguments on their expertise. Look for information that is based on evidence. For example, if somebody is saying that a given commodity is likely to shoot up in price in a short amount of time, take a look at why they think that aside from the fact that they claim to be a futures trading expert. Do the

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A Thanksgiving Toast!

  As I prepare for all the bounties of a great Thanksgiving and family dinner, I want to take a moment  and thank my broader family,  my clients and my colleagues at Indicator Warehouse. To our customers, I truly wish you continued success in your trading and personal endeavors.  Being an active part of helping you achieve your goals is why I got into this business. It is incredibly rewarding every day.  To my excellent team at Indicator Warehouse, now that I ve been running this company for over five years, I ve come to the conclusion that great software products are the price of admission just for being in this business. It s having quality people on the team that sets our company apart.    Over the next few days, I hope each of you take some time off from your busy schedules and spend a few memorable moments with those you treasure.  Happy Thanksgiving! Regards, Adam HalpernIndicator Warehouse, President

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

November 23 2015 | Futures Trade Room

November 23 2015 | Futures Trade Room

November 24 2015 | Futures Trade Room

November 24 2015 | Futures Trade Room

Four Important But Overlooked Day Trading Tools

If you plan to get into day trading, you re going to need a few things that don t directly have to do with actually buying and selling stocks or futures. Some of the most important day trading tools you will have will be those tools that you use to access the Internet and to attend to the other parts of your business. If you re just getting set up as a day trader, you ll want to make certain that you re ready for the actual logistics of running a business, which is what day trading will become if you re successful. A Quiet Space is an important Day Trading Tool One of the mistakes that people who are about to be self-employed make is thinking that they can go work down at the local coffee shop or at another public venue. For most people, this is a very bad choice. The reason for this is that you ll soon find out about the value of privacy and quiet when you re trying to make big decisions related to business in a noisy room. Make sure you set aside a room in your house or apartment yo

A Thanksgiving Toast!!

 To my clients and colleagues at Indicator Warehouse, I wish you nothing but the very best wishes on Thanksgiving day.  Thoroughly filled to capacity and a bit beyond with the culinary goodness that was Thanksgiving dinner, I would like to spend just a moment to share with our customers and members that I am thankful for the wonderful people you have been to work with and I truly wish you the utmost success in all your trading and personal endeavors.  May you achieve all your dreams while remembering that it s those that count the most that should be the ultimate motivation. To my excellent team that I work with on a regular basis, I would very much like to say thank you!  I am thankful to know you all and feel constantly enriched in our interactions.  May this week provide an opportunity to take some time off of the busy schedule and spend memorable moments with those you treasure.  Happy Thanksgiving!!!! Kindest Regards, Adam HalpernIndicator Warehouse, President

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Learn the Top 10 Tools for “Listening” to the Stock Market

One of the toughest challenges in trading is listening to the Stock and Commodities Market. Regularly we are almost convinced to recklessly foretell instead of listen. Or, we suspect we already know what s going to occur, so we simply jump in or naturally wing it. Listening, truly listening to the heart beat of the Stock Market, with your complete being is a talent and one of the most critical and challenging things we will master. The following ten rules can be helpful. Stop the Chatter! It is hard to listen and talk at the very same time 1. Stop the internal gossip. Target the trading task to hand. 2. Give yourself time. Grant yourself permission to let the Market speak to you. How does it look, is there an apparent bias, is a trend already in play. 3. Let the rhythm of the Market come through. Communicate with the Market thru your charts. Look at them. Nod when you can agree, Talk aloud and comment. Hear your charts They re chatting with you. 4. Remove diversions. Good listening me

Learn the Top 10 Tools for “Listening” to the Market

One of the toughest challenges in trading is listening to the Market. Regularly we are almost convinced to recklessly foretell instead of listen. Or, we suspect we already know what s going to occur, so we simply jump in or naturally wing it. Listening, truly listening to the heart beat of the Market, with your complete being is a talent and one of the most critical and challenging things we will master. The following ten rules can be helpful. Stop the Chatter! It is hard to listen and talk at the very same time Stop the internal gossip. Target the trading task to hand. Give yourself time. Grant yourself permission to let the Market speak to you. How does it look, is there an apparent bias, is a trend already in play. Let the rhythm of the Market come through. Communicate with the Market thru your charts. Look at them. Nod when you can agree, Talk aloud and comment. Hear your charts They re chatting with you. Remove diversions. Good listening means being prepared to switch off the Tel

Friday, November 20, 2015

November 20 Futures Trade Room

November 20 Futures Trade Room

The Big T stands for Time, not trading… why is that?

No, the Big T is not trading. That’s the little t. The Big T is Time. After all, at the end of the Big T is the Big D(eath) and yet time is something that most of us never give much consideration to – but we should. When you realize your life is only the amount of time you have, and that no one knows how much time they have to live, it should sober you up a bit and help you think more clearly about your life and goals. Which brings me back to the little t – trading. In light of the Big T, it never ceases to amaze me how many wannabe traders are content to flounder at trading. It’s not that trading is easy, it’s not, but it does not need to be overly difficult either. Certainly no more difficult than learning any other profession you might choose; which is the point. Let me explain. Most traders don’t treat trading like a profession. If anything they treat it more like a very expensive video game – something that makes them feel they are doing something valuable with thei

The Big T… what is it?

No, the Big T is not trading. That’s the little t. The Big T is Time. After all, at the end of the Big T is the Big D and yet time is something that most of us never give much consideration to – but we should. When you realize that your life is only the amount of time you have, and that no one knows how much time they have to live, it should sober you up a bit and help you think more clearly about your life and goals. Which brings me back to the little t – trading. In light of the Big T, it never ceases to amaze me how many wannabe traders are content to flounder at trading. It’s not that trading is easy, it’s not, but it’s not overly difficult either. Certainly no more difficult than learning any other profession you might choose; which is the point. Let me explain. Most traders don’t treat trading like a profession. If anything they treat it more like a very expensive video game – something that makes them feel they are doing something valuable with their time and so

Thursday, November 19, 2015

November 19 2015 | Futures Trade Room

November 19 2015 | Futures Trade Room

November 17 2015 | Futures Trade Room

November 17 2015 | Futures Trade Room

November 18 2015 | Futures Trade Room

November 18 2015 | Futures Trade Room

What is the Advantage of being a Day Trader

“The criterion of truth is that it works even if nobody is prepared to acknowledge It.” –  © 1962 Ludwig Von Mises (1881 – 1973) What makes day traders different is that they are able to participate without bias, without question, and reap the benefits of what the market is giving on that day. Is this an easy state to attain?  Some will say absolutely, while others just can’t seem to turn the corner and be in the ‘zone’.  The important thing to remember is it is a learned process.  There aren’t many traders I know that don’t have preconceived ideas of what is bullish and what is bearish – what constitutes a break out and what constitutes a break down.  However, many habits have benefited me as a day trader over the years.  One is identity once I committed to the profession, I told myself I m a professional retail trader, still retail but professional nonetheless. Then came the process of learning how information is transmitted, of knowing who is doing wh

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

What Makes Day Traders Different from other Traders?

“The criterion of truth is that it works even if nobody is prepared to acknowledge It.” –  © 1962 Ludwig Von Mises (1881 – 1973) What makes day traders different are that they are able to participate without bias, without question, and reap the benefits of what the market is giving on that day. Is this an easy state to attain?  Some will say absolutely while others just can’t seem to turn the corner and be in the ‘zone’.  The important thing to remember is that it is a learned process.  There aren’t many traders that I know that don’t have preconceived ideas of what is bullish and what is bearish – what constitutes a break out and what constitutes a break down.  Many old habits have benefited me as a trader for most of the years I was a position trader.  Once, I accepted the transition from being a floor trader as professional market maker to a retail trader, still professional but retail nonetheless.  This took time and a relearning of how information is

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Monday, November 16, 2015

Pyramiding …Using Multiple Orders to Your Advantage

So there you are you ve done your homework and taken the trade.  You found a great spot for entry, all signals were go, and you entered the market.  Within a few minutes of getting in the market though, you find yourself in drawdown. You have a 50 pip stop and before you know it, you are half-way there.  You think Well, if I thought my initial entry was a good price to get in, I should really love where the market is now and take another order. That will make it so much easier to get to profit once the market moves in my favor, IN FACT, I won t even have to get to my original entry before I hit b/e. Yeah . the ol dollar-cost averaging philosophy.  Although this works great much of the time when you are investing based on fundamentals over the longer-term, it can be a seriously risky maneuver when trading based on technicals in the short-term. When I started trading forex, I had the unfortunate experience of having VERY good results right at the beginning.  Why was this unfortunat

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Why You Need a Good Broker

Don t Overlook the Benefits of having a Good Broker So how do you go about choosing a futures broker? Whether you ultimately decide to go with a full service, discount, or electronic brokerage you should consider more than just the commission price. When considering a broker you should first consider the brokerage. Do they have a good reputation? Have there been problems with other clients that have not been resolved? The NFA ( acts as the Better Business Bureau for brokerage firms trading in US markets and you can contact them to find out if there are any black marks on the record of the broker or brokerage you are considering using. Secondly your broker should show proficiency for their craft. Some brokers specialize in one market and others have more general knowledge. Some can relate better to day traders and others to position traders. Some love to do spreads; others are whizzes at option trades. Whatever the case make sure they know what they are talki

Friday, November 13, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

November 12 2015 | Futures Trade Room

November 12 2015 | Futures Trade Room

November 11 2015 | Futures Trade Room

November 11 2015 | Futures Trade Room

Trading with a small account is possible… if done correctly.

Let’s be honest, everyone begins trading with the hopes of making a lot of money through their trades, maybe even enough money that they can quit their jobs and trade for a living. However, when asked how they are going to make “a lot of money trading” most traders would not be able to give you an answer. Somewhere in the back of their minds they secretly hope that they will catch the one big move that will set them up with a big enough account to be able to trade like the big boys. Unfortunately the odds of catching the “big one” are probably the same as those for winning the lottery, if not worse. A successful trader once told me that I should have a trading goal. The goal did not have to be a large one, but the simple fact of having a goal would help me focus better on the markets. I would come to see better opportunities (note this is not the same as “more opportunities”) as well as managing my money better. Since I did not have a very large trading account, the trad

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Everything you need to know about Using a Stop Loss

Today s topic is one of the most important issues we deal with as traders:  The Stop Loss.  A stop loss is an order we place in the market after we decide where our entry should be.  It essentially closes our order for a loss at a pre-determined point.  Why would we ever want to close out for a loss?  What makes a stop loss so important? It Stops The Loss:  I know that might seem obvious, but consider the alternative. Without having a stop, the market might just run an extreme number of pips against you (which can happen QUICKLY sometimes) and depending on order size, deplete the account significantly OR blow it altogether.  Say the power goes out OR your internet connection while you have a trade open.  What if you can t get connected for hours??  What happens to your trade?  Knowing exactly the worst you can do is an actual point in space leads to both better planning and more consistent results.  It protects us from many what ifs in trading that we cannot predict.  It

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Does Your Trading Deserve Your Energy?

With so many fascinating opportunities before you each day, how do you decide which are for you? Start by asking yourself these nine questions to help you judge whether a career in trading is appropriate for you. 1. DOES THIS EARN A LIVING FOR ME? In a material world, we all have responsibilities that cannot be ignored. 2. CAN I LEARN FROM THIS? Can I grow as a human being by day trading? Will I acquire new skills or insights? 3. IS IT USEFUL? Who is depending on me to do this and why? Sooner or later any piece of useful work involves us interacting with other people. Will trading bring me together with people in a worthwhile way? 4. WILL OTHERS BENEFIT? HOW? This can be an overriding consideration for many activities! 5. WILL I EVER HAVE A CHANCE TO DO THIS AGAIN? Some opportunities are a once- in-a-lifetime deal. Is this one of them? Or am I pretending it is because I want to do it so badly? 6. AM I DOING THIS BECAUSE I M THE RIGHT PERSON? OR BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE WILL? What would hap

Saturday, November 7, 2015

How I Got “Cancer” and was Cured in One Month

You can believe everything you read on the Internet RIGHT? Of course you can it’s in print  RIGHT?  Wrong!  There is so much stuff out there regarding trading it’s not even funny; most of this “stuff” can be found on the internet.  Here’s a little tale of how I got cancer and was cured.  See if you can relate it to your trading journey. A few months back I got a nasty sinus infection. I got a broad spectrum antibiotic and I was cured….of the sinus infection.  About 2 days before I was supposed to stop the pill regimen, I started to have (you don’t need the details) “digestive problems” (an understatement trust me!).  What was wrong with me?  Am I going to die?  “I know, I’ll check the internet!”  I started getting ALL kinds of advice from people with screen names like “panelvanbill” and “catwoman468”.  I am a bit of a hypochondriac, so I was sure I had some kind of rare nasal Cancer!  Needless to say, it was time to see a professional.

Friday, November 6, 2015

How I Got Cancer and was Cured in One Month

You can believe everything you read on the Internet RIGHT? Of course you can it’s in print  RIGHT?  Wrong!  There is so much stuff out there regarding trading it’s not even funny; most of this “stuff” can be found on the internet.  Here’s a little tale of how I got cancer and was cured.  See if you can relate it to your trading journey. A few months back I got a nasty sinus infection. I got a broad spectrum antibiotic and I was cured….of the sinus infection.  About 2 days before I was supposed to stop the pill regimen, I started to have (you don’t need the details) “digestive problems” (an understatement trust me!).  What was wrong with me?  Am I going to die?  “I know, I’ll check the internet!”  I started getting ALL kinds of advice from people with screen names like “panelvanbill” and “catwoman468”.  Before you know it, yup I was sure I had Cancer!  I promptly made an appointment with my doctor so I could immediately be referred to an O

How I Got Cancer and was Cured in One Month

You can believe everything you read on the Internet RIGHT? Of course you can it’s in print  RIGHT?  Wrong!  There is so much stuff out there regarding trading it’s not even funny; most of this “stuff” can be found on the internet.  Here’s a little tale of how I got cancer and was cured.  See if you can relate it to your trading journey. A few months back I got a nasty sinus infection, I got a broad spectrum antibiotic and I was cured….of the sinus infection.  About 2 days before I was to stop the pill regimen I started to have (you don’t need the details) “digestive problems” (an understatement trust me!).  What was wrong with me?  Am I going to die?  “I know, I’ll check the internet”!  Before you know it I was getting ALL types of advice from people with screen names like “panelvanbill” and “catwoman468”.  Before you know it, yup I was sure I had Cancer!  I promptly made an appointment with my doctor so I could be referred to an Oncologist.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Tying it all Together with Multiple Day Trading Systems

Diversified Day Trading Systems I get these types of calls all the time. A prospective new customer has been trying to trade for 2 -5 years and already dropped 10-20K into their efforts.  I always recommend to these folks not to look at their experiences to date in a negative light.  Those types of thoughts serve no purpose and can impact your trading at a psychological level.  Instead, look at past educational investments as opportunity costs to launching your trading business. Initially, most prospective customers are convinced all they need is the Hawk Micro Scalper, the short term trading tool in our Diversified Trading Systems (DTS).  The Hawk is one of the top scalping tools available on the market, but it’s only one third of the unique signal generation approach that makes DTS such a effective trading solution.

Tying it all Together with Multiple Day Trading Signals

Yesterday I received a call from a prospective new customer, he was a nice guy, been trading awhile, but like many others, he wasn t making any real headway with his day trading.  This gentleman was convinced that all he needed was the Hawk Micro Scalper, the short term trading tool for Diversified Trading Systems (DTS).  The Hawk is one of the top scalping tools available on the market, but it’s only one third of the DTS day trading solution regarding the Day Trading signals. The problem with one size fits all day trading signals is that it just doesn’t work.  Why is that?  Well, as we all know market conditions are going to vary from day to day; some days will be great for swing trading, some for scalping, and some for trend trading.  There is NO WAY you can make a single system work for all market conditions unless you want to start forcing trades of course….and we all know how that usually works out.  Watch the video and see exactly why and how DTS makes day trading si

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Monday, November 2, 2015

Optimize Your Profit (and Stop Loss) Targets using the Average Daily Range

Don’t you hate it when you take profit on a trade and the market continues on a lot further without you? That’s almost as good as getting tagged on your stop loss only to watch the market reverse and head to your intended profit target (and maybe continue past it!) What’s going on? Why is it so difficult to set efficient profit and stop loss targets? The problem originates with the assumption that the markets never change, and of course that is a bad assumption. The markets are constantly changing, expanding and contracting. Just understanding that the markets are in constant flux will better equip you to take advantage of what it is giving (or not giving) and allow you to set effective profit and stop loss targets. How do you do that? The first thing you need to consider is the market’s Average Daily Range, or ADR. Notice that the Average Daily Range is not the same as the Average True Range, which is a measure of market volatility. Just as the name implies, ADR is an aver

November 02 2015 | Futures Trade Room

November 02 2015 | Futures Trade Room

How to Optimize Your Profit (and Stop Loss) Targets

Don’t you hate it when you take profit on a trade and the market continues on a lot further without you? That’s almost as good as getting tagged on your stop loss only to watch the market reverse and head to your intended profit target (and maybe continue past it!) What’s going on? Why is it so difficult to make set efficient profit and stop loss targets? The problem originates with the assumption that the markets never change, and of course that is a bad assumption. The markets are constantly changing, expanding and contracting to reflect what is currently going on in the marketplace. Just understanding that the markets are in constant flux will better equip you to take advantage of what the market is giving (or not giving) and allow you to set effect profit and stop loss targets. How do you do that? The first thing you need to consider is the market’s Average Daily Range, or ADR. Notice that the Average Daily Range is not the same as the Average True Range, which is a measur